
I realized that I had almost fallen into a pattern of posting every Friday.  It crossed my mind that if I continue to do this, I might have to change my blogs name to Friday Girl or some other cheesy version of this name.

I came to a sudden halt on the scarves! Why?I ran out of Elmer’s Gel Glue—–>
Yep, this “in”expensive product substitutes as my choice of gutta in the scarf making process. I read about this method in another blog, which I would credit IF I could remember the name. gel glue water soluble, simple to use, and cheap! Lets not forget that it is a safe and eco friendly as well.

If you are not familiar with making scarves (and I am still at novice stage myself) then I will give you a simple definition of gutta and/or resist.  It is anything which prevents the dyes or paints from reaching the materials.  The gutta serves the same purpose as wax in the batiking process.

I finally finished the piece of art which I have had on the easel for a while at the studio.  I had to bring it home in order to complete the finishing touches .  This mixed media piece (images to the left) is 11 x 14 inches and on pre stretched canvas. 

Yesterday I was in open studio at Artisans of the Gap.  I love being in our building, the sunshine pouring in the windows, art everywhere.  These feelings inspired to put another canvas on the easel.  The piece I chose below is from My View-Daily Paintings (I can’t recall what day this one is).  The plan was to start from scratch, but I liked the original image a lot. The perception that I originally wanted to convey is just not there.  The challenge, I decided, was to take what is there-give it love and attention-to generate that visually.  With more time, and no deadlines to meet, this is my goal.  

The one lesson I keep learning, since the beginning, is that every time I rework a piece, leave one as it is, or scrap it and start all over-I am developing a better understanding of my own technique and my art.


PS~there is a video on the top right side, about a new brush that you can use with the new technology to create digital paintings.  I thought it was very interesting and wanted to share it with you.  I will leave it up for a week or so.  Feel free to comment if you feel inclined.
