Ain’t Nobody Got Time for that….

Remember this lady from 2012?!

Nope, ain’t nobody got time for that! Currently I am down with bronchitis, it has been 4 days since I had a steroid shot, z-pack and pill ‘rhoid packet. I am a red faced, hot flushing, non sleeping and on the way to being totally a crybaby.

for you viewing pleasure…

It sucks! Actually it sucks hairy monkey balls. Coughing and choking and the other stuff women who’ve had children do, is zero fun.

No bueno

Until I’m feeling better…not making too much ART

Take care until then. ~ValerieDowdyArt

One Comment

  1. Sorry you’re feeling bad. When you pull through and feel up for coffee, let’s go. Let me know. In the meantime take care.