Day 4 Stella Is Still Searching 4 her Groove….

   I did not work at my job today. I assumed this would make today’s painting a breeze, I didn’t even begin working on it until late this evening. Boy, was I wrong……..I am my own worst enemy. What do I mean by that? Well, I promised anyone that reads this, and myself that I was just going to go where the art gods take me, and what do I do? I sit down, and all those lofty ideas fly right back out the door. In my head, I hear “your all over the place, inconsistent, and genre hopping.” And, it is true, I am all over the place. Stella apparently is still looking for her groove.  I have decided not to freak out (yeah right) about it. Every day I am going to go to my workspace, and I am going to paint whatever I feel like painting, and leave tomorrow to worry about itself.

    Today is the first day of Fall. *sigh* That makes me sad. So, I decided to treat myself to a shopping trip, where I indulged in a little retail therapy. (Nope, not shoes, purses or clothes) I stocked up on some new paints, a loose mixed media paper, and some lovely vine charcoal. If you like you can see a sketch I did with the charcoal in the Bonus Art link.

    The last thing I want to share today is a friend emailed me a picture of a project she started today, and said that I inspired her to go for it-after reading this blog. It made me feel great. I think if no one else reads this blog, just knowing that I was able to do that made it worth while!

     Last:  I heard a line in a movie once, that has stuck with me for a long time. She said: that the act of writing is applying the ass to the seat and the hands to the keyboard. Here is the result of my application and efforts today.
Piece Number 4.



  1. Does Stella have to have a groove? Are their rules that say she must confine herself into one genre? …Maybe that in itself is a genre

  2. "Peaceful" today's art work is!! The water just makes you stare!!! I always find the presence of our Lord, when looking at HIS art work!!! HE is the Master of all art! Good work!! Looking toward day 5. New art tools makes new ideas, excellent work!!!