Where and When To Display…?

It’s a problem for all artists.

I’ve been invited to create a display in Lynchburg’s Main Library. It’s nothing big or fancy, but a nice opportunity to put my coloring books, cards, and a few pieces of art out there in the community.

Some people feel like these type of events are not the best way to promote yourself artistically. They are not, necessarily. But, and i am speaking purely from my personal opinion, if you expect the members of your community to buy your work, and support you, you damn well better show them you’re happy to be a part of said community. AND, personally, I am a big fan of the library crowds.

So, my advice is to consider every invite for its potential community influence and outreach and not just sales.

If you’re in the area of Lynchburg, Virginia hope you’ll visit downtown tonight or sometime during the month. My work is featured in the Riverviews Co Op the entire month of February. I’ll be in from 6-8pm. I am trying to work out a Q & A event as well, I’m not particularly good at this sort of thing, so I’m forcing myself to practice. I will most likely shoot for a Sunday afternoon. Anyway it is TBA.

If you happen to be in the Bedford, Virginia area, stop by The Electric Company and check out my work in their gallery.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

Scott Adams

Peace, Valerie